Monday, September 6, 2010

The autumn is here!

Hello lovely ladies! Can you feel the autumn tonight? :)
In the continuation of the rainbow theme, there's another mani I found pretty interesting.
Straight to the pics!
Skychaser! :)
This was a semi-rainbow angled tips on matte black. This is day three, I guess.
Matte black is Orly Matte Vinyl, my pretty one-coater, if I'm not shaky.
Tips: Thumb - China Glaze Paper Chasing (will be posting this one later on alone!), Index - Orly It's Up To Blue, Middle - Sally Hansen - Blue It, Ring - Sally Hansen Cyber, Pinkie - Maybelline Colorama in magenta shimmer (unnamed). These all are 3-4 coats I believe. Paper Chasing is pretty known for its ridiculous sheerness.
I didn't take pics right after the mani was done and fresh, my bad, but I wanted to rejuvenate the actual look. You know mattes get satin pretty fast.
So here are the pics with one coat of Essie Matte About You + Orly Top2Bottom for tips compared to the "worn" look.
See the difference? It's pretty obvious. But I don't really mind the three-days-old look too.

The look on them really cheered me up when I was sad.

There was a City Day on 4.09. The photo kind of reminded me of it. Happy Birthday Moscow!
Have a great day!


  1. That looks so cool!I like it a lot:)

  2. Really cool. :) I'm following you.

  3. it looks gorgeous! love it!
    i'm the new follower,

  4. Wow this is such a great idea - I love the look with the different colours on each finger!

  5. Wow, that's a cool mani!
    And the picture with the fingerless gloves reminds me...I really have to get those! So I can show of my nails even when it's cold.. (well, not too cold ;) )

  6. Haha! They seem to be just made for this, don't they? ;)


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